Tham khảo Cộng_hòa_Dân_chủ_Gruzia

  • Blauvelt, Timothy K. (2014), “The Establishment of Soviet Power in Abkhazia: Ethnicity, Contestation and Clientalism in the Revolutionary Periphery”, Revolutionary Russia 27 (1): 22–46, doi:10.1080/09546545.2014.904472 
  • Jones, Stephen (tháng 4 năm 2014), “Between ideology and pragmatism: social democracy and the economic transition in Georgia 1918-21”, Caucasus Survey 1 (2): 63–81, doi:10.1080/23761199.2014.11417286 
  • Kazemzadeh, Firuz (1951), The Struggle for Transcaucasia (1917–1921), New York City: Philosophical Library, ISBN 978-0-95-600040-8 
  • Papuashvili, George biên tập (2012), The 1921 Constitution of the Democratic Republic of Georgia, Batumi: Constitutional Court of Georgia 
  • Rayfield, Donald (2012), Edge of Empires: A History of Georgia, London: Reaktion Books, ISBN 978-1-78-023030-6 
  • Suny, Ronald Grigor (1994), The Making of the Georgian Nation , Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, ISBN 978-0-25-320915-3 
  • Welt, Cory (2012), “A Fateful Moment: Ethnic Autonomy and Revolutionary violence in the Democratic Republic of Georgia (1918–1921)”, trong Jones, Stephen F., The Making of Modern Georgia, 1918 – 2012: The first Georgian Republic and its successors, New York City: Routledge, tr. 205–231, ISBN 978-0-41-559238-3